Peer-reviewed publications
Uchida, T. Jamet, Q., Poje, A. C., Wienders, N., Dewar, W. K., (2024) Wavelet-based wavenumber spectral estimate of eddy kinetic energy: Application to the North Atlantic. Ocean Modelling, 102392 – /10.1016/j.ocemod.2024.102392
Jamet, Q., Berger, A., Deremble, B., Penduff, T. (2024) Thermodynamical feedback of ocean-atmosphere interactions on the energy cycle of a quasi-geostrophic coupled model. Journal of Physical Oceanography – 10.1175/JPO-D-23-0159.1
Tedesco, P., Gula, J., Penven,P., Ménesguen, C., Jamet, Q., Vic, C. (2024) Can mesoscale eddy kinetic energy sources and sinks be inferred from sea surface height in the Agulhas Current? Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(4), e2023JC020833 – 10.1029/2023JC020833
Uchida, T., Jamet, Q., Dewar, W. K., Deremble, B., Poje, A. C., & Sun, L. (2024). Imprint of chaos on the ocean energy cycle from an eddying North Atlantic ensemble. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54(3), 679-696. – 10.1175/JPO-D-23-0176.1
Tissot, G., Mémin, E., Jamet, Q. (2023) Stochastic compressible Navier–Stokes equations under location uncertainty. Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics Annual Workshop, Springer.
Jamet, Q., Mémin, E., Dumas, F., Li, L., Garreau, P. (2023) Toward a stochastic parameterization for oceanic deep convection. Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics Annual Workshop, Springer.
Uchida, T. Jamet, Q., Poje, A. C., Wienders, N., Dewar, W. K., Deremble, B. (2023) Wavelet-based wavenumber spectral estimate of eddy kinetic energy: Idealized quasi-geostrophic flow. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(3), e2022MS003399 – 10.1029/2022MS003399
Uchida, T., Balwada, D., Jamet, Q., Dewar, W. K., Deremble, B., Penduff, T., Le Sommer, J. (2023). Cautionary tales from the mesoscale eddy transport tensor. Ocean Modelling, 182, 102172 – 10.1016/j.ocemod.2023.102172
Leroux, S., Brankart, J.-M., Albert, A., Brodeau, L., Molines, J.-M., Jamet, Q., Le Sommer, J., Penduff, T., Brasseur, P. (2022) Ensemble quantification of short-term predictability of the ocean dynamics at kilometric-scale resolution : A Western Mediterranean test-case. Ocean Sci. 1-36 – 10.5194/os-18-1619-2022
Jamet, Q., Leroux, S., Dewar, W. K., Penduff, T., Le Sommer, J., Molines, J.-M., Gula J. (2022) Non-local eddy-mean kinetic energy transfers in submesoscale-permitting ensemble simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14(10), e2022MS003057 – 10.1029/2022MS003057.
Uchida, T., Jamet, Q., Dewar, W. K., Le Sommer, J., Penduff, T., Balwada, D. (2022). Diagnosing the Thickness‐Weighted Averaged Eddy‐Mean Flow Interaction From an Eddying North Atlantic Ensemble: The Eliassen‐Palm Flux. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14(5), e2021MS002866 – 10.1029/2021MS002866.
Uchida, T., Jamet, Q., Poje, A., Dewar, W. K. (2021). An ensemble based eddy and spectral analysis, with application to the Gulf Stream. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14(4), e2021MS002692 – 10.1029/2021MS002692
Jamet, Q., Deremble, B., Wienders, N., Uchida, T., Dewar, W.K. (2021). On Wind-driven Energetics of Subtropical Gyres, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(4), e2020MS002329 – 10.1029/2020MS002329.
Jamet, Q., Ajayi, A., Le Sommer, J., Penduff, T., Hogg, A., Dewar, W.K. (2020). On Energy Cascades in General Flows: A Lagrangian Application. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(12), e2020MS002090 – 10.1029/2020MS002090
Jamet, Q., Dewar, W. K., Wienders, N., Deremble, B., Close, S., Penduff, T. (2020). Locally and remotely forced subtropical AMOC variability: A matter of time scales. Journal of Climate, 33(12), 5155–5172 – 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0844.1
Jamet, Q., Dewar, W. K., Wienders, N., Deremble, B. (2019). Spatio-temporal patterns of Chaos in the Atlantic Overturning Circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(13), 7509-7517 – 10.1029/2019GL082552
Jamet, Q., Dewar, W. K., Wienders, N., Deremble, B. (2019). Fast warming of the surface ocean under a climatological scenario. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(7), 3871-3879 – 10.1029/2019GL082552
Jamet, Q., Huck, T., Arzel, O., Campin, J. M., de Verdière, A. C. (2016). Oceanic control of multidecadal variability in an idealized coupled GCM. Climate dynamics, 46(9-10), 3079-3095 – 10.1007/s00382-015-2754-3
PhD Thesis dissertation
Jamet Q. (2015). North Atlantic variability in an idealized, coupled model: the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (in french). PhD, Univ. Brest. Supervised by Thierry Huck, Alain Colin de Verdière and Olivier Arzel – PhD Thesis